

Welcome to New Zealand Association of Counsellors/Te Rōpū Kaiwhiriwhiri o

NZAC is the largest association for counselling professionals in Aotearoa. We are run for and by counsellors and support our members throughout their careers, from student training to retirement.

Our work includes:

  • providing a robust registration framework to ensure the profession follows and adheres to the highest possible standards to protect individuals seeking therapy.
  • promoting and facilitating research to produce trusted best practices.
  • providing accessible and relevant professional development opportunities for counsellors through our webinars.
  • facilitating networking and peer to peer support at both a national and branch level.
  • promoting ethical practice, through our Code of Ethics, and continuing to raise the professional standards of counselling in Aotearoa.
  • advocating for counselling and mental health services.

Counselling changes not just the lives of individuals, but of whanau and communities. Our desire for social justice determines everything we do and guides our relationship with our members, the public, as well as stakeholders and the government. It is why we advocate for the counselling profession as a realistic, and increasingly evidence-based choice for people to increase positive mental health and life satisfaction. We know counselling works.